Installer Transmission sur OMV5

Install transmission

sudo apt-get install transmission-cli transmission-common transmission-daemon


There are many settings which can be configured. This how-to focus on tweaking the default configuration file for use with Debian/Ubuntu server. transmission-daemon will start automatically each time you start your server, with the settings defined in /var/lib/transmission-daemon/info/settings.json

Make sure the Transmission daemon is not running when changing the config file otherwise your changes will be over written.

sudo service transmission-daemon stop
edit /var/lib/transmission-daemon/info/settings.json
sudo nano /var/lib/transmission-daemon/info/settings.json

Watch dir
"watch-dir": "/srv/dev-disk-by-label-ssd/transmission/aux_aguets",
"watch-dir-enabled": true,

Username and Password

The default web/rpc-username and password is “transmission

Change if increased security is required

Change it to whatever you want (any password will work). After next restart the password will be rewritten in SHA1 encrypted format for security reasons.

"rpc-password": "{62b16db87b89a91dd49a5110a7cafc06d20eb4f2wtK6kqPj",
"rpc-username": "transmission",

This must be changed for remote access. rpc-whitelist defines access to transmission. Localhost ( is defined by default. I added ,192.268.*.* to allow any machine on my LAN access.

"rpc-whitelist": ",192.168.*.*",

“umask” parameter
You will also have to set the “umask” parameter in Transmission’s settings file to “2” (default is 18) for the account user to have full access to files/folders created by Transmission.

"umask": 2,

Transmission Restart
After configuration change, restart transmission

sudo service transmission-daemon start

Default File Directory
Place a torrent file in this directory for automatic file download


Configure Users and Permissions
It is recommended that Transmission runs under it’s own username for security reasons. This creates a few issues with file and folder access by Transmission as well as your account (let us assume it is user). Add the username user to the group debian-transmission:

sudo usermod -a -G debian-transmission user

NOTE: Change “user” to you own Ubuntu user login name.

NOTE: When adding a user to a new group, the user must log out and log back in for it to take affect. A reboot will also accomplish this.

Starting and Stopping Transmission Daemon
After install Transmission, the daemon will be started automatically (but not accessible yet). You can start and stop Transmission daemon using the following commands

sudo service transmission-daemon start
sudo service transmission-daemon stop
sudo service transmission-daemon reload

Note:Restarting (or reloading) Transmission daemon can be tricky. Restarting the the daemon (while it is already running) would rewrite the Transmission settings files to its original state. In other words, restarting the Transmission daemon would reset all the custom settings you saved.

Bash Aliases
Create shortcuts add the following bash aliases to /home/user/.bash_aliases

sudo nano /home/user/.bash_aliases
alias t-start='sudo service transmission-daemon start'
alias t-stop='sudo service transmission-daemon stop'
alias t-reload='sudo service transmission-daemon reload'
alias t-list='transmission-remote -n 'transmission:transmission' -l'
alias t-basicstats='transmission-remote -n 'transmission:transmission' -st'
alias t-fullstats='transmission-remote -n 'transmission:transmission' -si'

source /home/user/.bash_aliases


user@SVR:~$ t-list

will run

transmission-remote -n 'transmission:transmission' -l

Web Interface
With your browser you can now add torrents, download and seed. You can also configure many transmission settings.


Port Forward

If you port says “closed” you will need to configure your internet router to forward the correct port to your Transmission server/client. Google “How to port forward”

If you don’t use “Port Forward” another option is “UPnP”. Once again this depends on you internet router setup.

Command Line Interface
With a headless server full control of Transmission requires CLI

Transmission Create
Create a torrent file with transmission CLI. Torrent files can be generated from either a single file or directories. The example below is a directory example

transmission-create -o /var/lib/transmission-daemon/downloads/files.torrent -c "My comments" -t udp:// -t udp:// -t udp:// -t udp:// ~/torrent/complete/
-o /var/lib/transmission-daemon/downloads/files.torrent

New torrent name and where to store the torrent

-c “My comments”

Any comments to be attached to the file

-t udp://

-t udp://

-t udp://

-t udp://

Trackers for the torrents, more than one tracker is recommended in case one or more goes down.


Directory to be made into a torrent. If a single file is required use this format “/var/lib/transmission-daemon/downloads/MyFile.txt”

For more information about “transmission-create”

transmission-create -h

Add a Torrent
To add a torrent to the daemon, use this command:

transmission-remote -a [path to file].torrent
transmission-remote -n 'transmission:transmission' -a /var/lib/transmission-daemon/downloads/files.torrent 

Torrent Information
Display information about torrent’s being downloaded

List all torrents
Note Authentication is required

transmission-remote -n 'username:password' -l
transmission-remote -n 'transmission:transmission' -l 

Basic Stats All Torrents

transmission-remote -n 'transmission:transmission' -st
transmission-remote -n 'transmission:transmission' -q

Sources :

Finstere Flure

Règles en français

Se connecter à un fournisseur VPN

There are easy ways to connect to your VPN from Ubuntu. A lot of VPNs provide excellent Linux clients. Even if they don’t, you can use the Network Manager applet to set up a VPN connection. However, if you want to connect without a GUI or you want your connection to run automatically as a service for all users, those options won’t really work.

Most of the best VPN services are built on OpenVPN. OpenVPN is a free and open-source VPN server that you can actually use to set up your own VPN. There’s no need to do that, though. You only need the client part of OpenVPN.

When you install OpenVPN on Ubuntu, you also get the client. You can use the OpenVPN client to connect to any OpenVPN server, regardless of the VPN service or whether they have a GUI client or not. OpenVPN is a service, so it can run on startup on your computer, which means you don’t have to remember to start it up, and you won’t have to configure the connection separately for every user.
Install OpenVPN

Before you can connect to your VPN service, you need to install OpenVPN on Ubuntu. It’s available right in the repositories, so use apt to get that.

sudo apt install openvpn

You can also install Openvpn from your package manager, regardless of the distro you are using.
Download Your VPN Configuration

Most VPN providers have available configurations for OpenVPN. Check to see if your VPN provider supports OpenVPN (it probably does) and look around for their configuration files.

VPN Provider Downloads

They may have a page dedicated to providing them, or they might just have a big “.zip” package with all of their available configurations. Either way, you can download what you want or need. If they are individual files, they’re usually named after the server location, and they end in the “.ovpn” extension.
Copy the Configuration

Once you have your file or archive, you’ll need to place it in OpenVPN’s directory. If you need to extract the files from a zip file, do that first.


Copy the file to the OpenVPN directory and rename it “openvpn.conf.”

sudo cp ~/Downloads/OpenVPN/’Northeast US.ovpn’ /etc/openvpn/openvpn.conf

Your path and file name will be different. The examples here are made up, but a lot of VPNs use a structure like the examples.
Automatic Login

It sort of defeats the purpose of having OpenVPN start automatically if you need to enter your username and password every time you connect. Thankfully, OpenVPN supports automatic login with a file.

OpenVPN Configuration

Open “/etc/openvpn/openvpn.conf” with sudo. Look for a line that contains “auth-user-pass.” It’ll probably be sitting there alone with nothing else on the line. After it, add “auth.txt” on the same line. Save the file and close it.

Create a new file in “/etc/openvpn” called “auth.txt.” On the first line of the file, place your username. Include your password on the second line. There is no need for anything else in the file. Save and close it.
Restart and Test

That’s all you need to do to connect to your VPN. Restart the OpenVPN service for the changes to take effect.

OpenVPN Service Running

sudo systemctl restart openvpn

To make sure that OpenVPN starts up every time you start your computer, enable it with systemd. It is probably already enabled, but it’s not a bad idea to double-check.

sudo systemctl enable openvpn

DNS Leak Test Result

Finally, test out your VPN connection with When you arrive at the site, you should see the IP address and location of your VPN. Click on the button below to run the extended test and see that no DNS information is leaking out.


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